
The Cổ Loa festival is open on January 6 with the area of the Inner citadel as the central space. Its owners are the local community of 8 villages, who all worship King An Dương at Bát xã Loa Thành (Eight villages of the Cổ Loa Citadel).
The Cổ Loa Festival is typical in the plain region of Northern Việt Nam with a solemn, respectful and sacred ritual and procession of palanquins; performances, folk games which are artistically vivid; traditional cuisine of the ancient capital land. The Cổ Loa Festival has always included new cultural features created by the local residents, and at the same time maintained its nice and traditional core values for the future generations who will also be creative and enjoy their culture.
On February 3, 2021, the Cổ Loa festival was registered as an intangible cultural heritage in the National List in the Decision No. 603/QD-BVHTTDL of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
The exhibition includes 3 themes:
- King An Dương and Cổ Loa festival.
- Unique cultural features.
- Local festival at Bát xã Loa Thành.

Over view

Topic 1

King An Dương and Cổ Loa festival

Topic 2

Unique cultural features

Topic 3

Local festival in Bát xã Loa thành